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Rules of  Use

To maintain the Hostel’s quality and to ensure guests’ safe and comfortable stay, Hostal Reposo Hikifune Lodge has established the following rules on the grounds of Article 10 of the General Conditions for Accommodation. We would appreciate your cooperation. In case of non-cooperation about these Rules, the Hostel may refuse the usage of the hostel rooms and facilities pursuant to the stipulations of Item 1 of Paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the General Conditions for Accommodation. Please note that the Hostel cannot be responsible for the accidents caused as a result of non-cooperation about these Rules.


Article 1

Smoking is not permitted in the Hostel.

Article 2

Please don’t use heating or cooking implements in the Hostel.

Article 3

1.     Please don’t bring the following articles in the Hostel.

o   Animals and pets

o   Odor-emitting articles

o   Goods in conspicuously large quantities

o   Combustible or inflammable explosives and volatile fuels

o   Firearms and swords in the absence of a license, and such other articles

o   Other articles which are likely to threat other guests’ security

Article 4

Please don’t engage in gambling or acts injurious to public morals in the Hostel.

Article 5

1.     Please don’t engage in loud acts annoying other guests in the Hostel such as shouting, loud singing and brawling.

2.     Please don’t engage in acts that cause annoyance to other guests or personnel of the Hostel due to the use of sleeping pills or other drugs.

Article 6

Please don’t engage in acts that add modifications to the hostel equipment and articles such as changing their place without consulting the Hostel.

Article 7

Please don’t use the rooms for purpose other than for accommodation.

Article 8

Please don’t access facilities not intended for use by guests or force the Hostel to permit the access.

Article 9

Please don’t distribute or display fliers, or sell goods in the Hostel, without the Hostel’s permission.

Article 10

Please refrain from meeting with external visitors in the Hostel.

Article 11

1.     Lights except foot lamps are turned off at 11 p.m. in the Hostel. After the lights-out time, please use the reading lamp attached to the bed.

2.     After the lights-out time, please be careful with conversation volume and mobile devices’ sound and light that may become a nuisance to other guests.


【Personal effects】

Article 12

The Hostel does not accept any liability for the damage of personal effects caused by the fall of suitcase or baggage during their displacement in the Hostel, including on the stairs.

Article 13

The Hostel does not accept any liability for the loss of personal effects in the Hostel. Please be careful with your personal belongings.

Article 14

Please don’t leave your personal belongings in the shared space, such as the corridor and the shared dining room.


【Use of equipment and articles. Amenities】

Article 15

Shower rooms are available 24 hours.

Article 16

In case you lose the room key and the key to the locker for valuables, ¥ 3,000- will be charged as compensation.

Article 17

Tap water in the Hostel is drinkable.

Article 18

For guests who stay for several continuous days, the Hostel changes linen every five days.

Article 19

The kitchen is not for cooking.

Article 20

The refrigerator is not available.

Article 21

Use of laundry machine costs ¥300- a time. Please ask at the hostel reception about the place to hang your washed clothes.

Article 22

Room shoes are available.

Article 23

For female guests, face towel, and shower cap are offered for free. For male guests, towel, and razor are offered for free.

Article 24

The Hostel offers paid loungewear rentals (¥200- as laundry charge).

Article 25

Please keep your shoes in the plastic bag offered at the hostel reception.

Article 26

1.     Capacity of shared dining room is limited. Please give space to those who have meals.

2.     Use of dining room is sometimes restricted due to reasons such as cultural events organized by the Hostel.

3.     The Hostel turns the light of dining room off at 11 p. m. After that time, it is not available for use like chatting, etc.

4.     Hot water in the pot in the dining room is available 24 hours, except the moment of water change.


【Reservation, payment of accommodation charge】

Article 27

1.     Please pay the full accommodation charge at the moment of check-in at the reception by cash or a credit card accepted by the Hostel.

2.     Please notify our staff members in advance if you are to change the scheduled accommodation duration. In case of prolongation, please pay the accommodation charge that corresponds to the prolonged period in advance.

Article 28

1.     The Hostel may refuse accommodation of those who have a disease that can cause discomfort or inconvenience of other guests.

2.     The Hostel refuses accommodation of those under 20 years old not accompanied by adults, except if there is a guardian’s permission.



Article 29

Rooms are cleaned between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m.



Article 30

The Hostel may demand compensation if guests caused damage, loss or soiling of the building, furniture, equipment or other articles without compelling reason.

Article 31

Please note that publication of photographs taken in the Hostel for a profit purpose may be object of legal actions.

Article 32

The Hostel cannot pay, even provisionally, personal expenses of guests such as shopping expense, ticket, taxi, postal mail and packet.

Article 33

In case of an earthquake, please keep calm and evacuate in accordance with the instruction of staff members at the reception.

Article 34

Q&A presented in the hostel website and other places has the effect as one part of the Rules of Use.


(Scope of application)

Article 1

1.     These General Conditions for Accommodation regulate matters concerning the hostel accommodation agreement and related agreements that the Hostel concludes with its guests. Matters not stipulated in these General Conditions are governed by laws and regulations or established common practice.

2.     In cases where the Hostel has within the scope consistent with laws, regulations, and common practice agreed with special provisions, such special provisions prevail irrespective of the stipulations of the previous Paragraph.

(Application to enter into a hostel accommodation agreement)

Article 2

1.     A party seeking to enter into a hostel accommodation agreement with the Hostel must provide the Hostel with the following information.

(1)   Name of the guest

(2)   Accommodation date/s and prospective time of arrival

(3)   Accommodation charge (as a general rule, charges shall be calculated according to Breakdown of Accommodation Charge stipulated in Schedule 1)

(4)   Other information required by the Hostel

(5)   Address

2.     If a guest makes an application during the hostel accommodation period for the continuation of the accommodation period beyond the accommodation date/s pursuant to Item (2) of the previous Paragraph, the application will be treated by the Hostel as a new hostel accommodation agreement made at that time.

(Closure of accommodation agreement)

Article 3

1.     An accommodation agreement is closed when the Hostel has approved an application pursuant to the previous Article. However, the accommodation agreement does not go into effect if the Hostel certifies that it did not make an approval.

2.     When an accommodation agreement has been closed in accordance with the previous Paragraph, the application fee, which is specified by the Hostel and amounts up to the amount of the basic accommodation charge, comes due for payment before the date specified by the Hostel.

3.     The application fee is allotted firstly to the payment of the total amount of the accommodation charge to by paid by the guest. When some situations where Articles 6 and 18 are to be applied occur, the application fee is allotted secondly to the penalty and thirdly to the compensation, and if there are some remains, the Hostel returns them at the moment of the payment stipulated in Article 12.

4.     Failure of payment in accordance with the previous Paragraph of the accommodation charge set out in the previous Paragraph by the date specified by the Hostel, despite the fact that the Hostel announced the specification of the date to the guest, the hostel accommodation agreement becomes null and void.

(Special agreement about the lack of need for application fee payment)

Article 4

1.     In spite of Paragraph 2 of the previous Article, the Hostel may conclude a special agreement which settles that it is not necessary for the guest to pay the application fee stipulated in that Paragraph after the closure of an accommodation agreement.

2.     If the Hostel does not demand the payment of the application fee stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the previous Article or does not specify the date before which the payment of the application fee should be accomplished when it accepts the application to enter into an accommodation agreement, it is considered to have concluded the special agreement stipulated in the previous Paragraph.

(Refusal of agreement)

Article 5

1.     In any of the following cases, the Hostel reserves the right not to enter into a hostel room accommodation agreement.

(1)   If an application to enter into a hostel accommodation agreement is in non-conformity with these General Conditions for Accommodation.

(2)   If all hostel rooms are occupied and none are available.

(3)   If a party seeking to be accommodated is reasonably likely to act in violation of the stipulations of laws and regulations, public order, or good morals in connection with the accommodation.

(4)   If an applicant for a hostel accommodation agreement or a party seeking to be accommodated is identified with the following (a), (b) and (c).

a.     A member, or related to a member, of a criminal organization, a body related to a criminal organization, or other organized crime group stipulated in the Act on the Prevention of Unlawful Acts by Crime Syndicate Operatives and the prefectural ordinances concerning the elimination of crime syndicates.

b.     A corporation or a group whose activities are governed by a criminal organization or a member of a criminal organization.

c.     A corporation where one or more of its officers is identified as a member of a criminal organization.

(5)   If a party seeking to be accommodated engages in speech and action that cause annoyance to other guests or personnel of the Hostel.

(6)   If a party seeking to be accommodated has been clearly identified as a contagious disease carrier.

(7)   If an applicant in connection with the accommodation engages in violent demands to the Hostel, or requires the Hostel to provide services beyond the generally accepted scope.

(8)   If an accommodation cannot be provided due to natural disaster, facility breakdown, or some other compelling reason.

(9)   In cases that are relevant to the stipulations of prefectural ordinances and other provisions.

(10)   If circumstances apply similar to the previous Items.

(Right of the guest to terminate the agreement)

Article 6

1.     A guest has the right to terminate the hostel accommodation agreement by giving notice to the Hostel.

2.     When a guest terminates a hostel accommodation agreement in part or in total (this Paragraph is applied if the Hostel demands the payment of the application fee specifying the date before which the payment of the application fee should be accomplished in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article 3, and excludes the case in which the guest terminates the hostel accommodation agreement before the payment of the application fee), the Hostel will charge the guest a penalty in accordance with Schedule 2.

3.     If a guest, without giving prior notice, fails to appear at the Hostel by eight p. m. on the arrival date (when a specific arrival time is indicated by the guest beforehand, this Paragraph is applied in case that time has passed), the Hostel is permitted to treat the hostel accommodation agreement as if it were terminated by the guest.

(Right of the Hostel to terminate agreement)

Article 7

1.     In any of the following cases, the Hostel reserves the right to terminate the hostel room accommodation agreement.

(1)   If it is likely that a guest will commit acts in contravention to laws and regulations, the General Conditions for Accommodation and the Rules of Use, public order or good morals, or if a guest clearly engages in any of the foregoing in connection with the accommodation.

(2)   If a guest is identified with the following (a), (b) and (c).

a.     A member, or related to a member, of a criminal organization, a body related to a criminal organization, or other organized crime group.

b.     A corporation or a group whose activities are governed by a criminal organization or a member of a criminal organization.

c.     A corporation where one or more of its officers is identified as a member of a criminal organization.

(3)   If a guest commits acts causing annoyance to other guests.

(4)   If a guest is clearly identified as a contagious disease carrier.

(5)   If in connection with the accommodation a guest engages in violent demands to the Hostel, or requires the Hostel to provide services beyond the generally accepted scope.

(6)   If an accommodation cannot be provided due to natural disaster or some other compelling reason.

(7)   If an act is committed in violation of disaster prevention and fire prevention concerns such as smoking in bed or tampering with fire fighting equipment, or of the prohibited matters stipulated in the Rules of Use.

(8)   If circumstances apply similar to the previous Items.

2.     If a hostel accommodation agreement is terminated by the Hostel on the grounds of the stipulations of the foregoing Paragraphs, the Hostel will not charge for the services that the guest has not received.

(Registration of hostel guests)

Article 8

1.     Hostel guests are required to register on the arrival date the following information at the Hostel reception.

(1)   Name, age, sex, address and occupation of the guest

(2)   In the case of foreign guests, nationality, passport number, port of entry, and date of entry

(3)   Departure date and prospective departure time

(4)   Other information required by the Hostel

2.     If a guest is to make payment of the charges in accordance with Article 12 by an alternative mean to cash such as traveler checks, hostel voucher and credit card, the guest is required to present it beforehand at the moment of registration of the previous Paragraph.

(Hours of hostel room use)

Article 9

1.     Guests are permitted to use the room in the Hostel from 11 a. m. to 10 a. m. of the next day. Guests staying for several continuous days are permitted to use the room around the clock except for on the days of arrival and departure.

(Observance of the Hostel Rules of Use)

Article 10

1.     Guests must observe and obey the Rules of Use regulated by the Hostel and displayed in the Hostel.

(Business hours)

Article 11

1.     The business hours of the facilities of the Hostel are as follows. Information on the business hours of the other facilities can be obtained from the brochures available at the Hostel, notice boards, and the service directory furnished in the hostel rooms.

(1)   Business hours of reception and cash register

a.     Curfew: None

b.     Reception service: 11 a. m. – 1 p. m., 4 p. m. – 8 p.m.

(2)   Shared dining space: 7 a. m. – 11 p. m.

(3)   Business hours of other service facilities

a.     Shower rooms: Available 24 hours

2.     Business hours mentioned in the previous Paragraph are subject to temporary change when necessary or unavoidable. Changes will be advised in good time beforehand.

(Payment of charges)

Article 12

1.     The breakdown of the accommodation charge, etc., payable by guest is stated in Schedule 1.

2.     The payment of the accommodation charge, etc., pursuant to the previous Paragraph shall be made at guests’ check-in or when requested by the Hostel, either in currency, by traveler checks accepted by the Hostel, by hostel voucher, debit card, credit card, or other means accepted by the Hostel, at the reception.

3.     The Hostel demands the payment of the accommodation charge to the guest even if the guest voluntarily did not use the available hostel room after the Hostel offered that room to the guest.

(Liability of the Hostel)

Article 13

1.     The Hostel does not accept liability for the damages sustained by guests in connection with the performance or failure of the accommodation agreement and an agreement related thereto, provided that the damages were not attributable to the responsibility of the Hostel.

2.     The Hostel takes out a general liability insurance to deal with unexpected problems such as fire disaster.

(Handling of cases when an accommodation cannot be provided)

Article 14

1.     If the Hostel is unable to provide a guest with an accommodation as agreed, to the extent possible the Hostel shall seek to arrange a different hotel facility on identical terms with consent of the guest.

2.     The provisions of the previous Paragraph notwithstanding, if the Hostel is unable to arranger a different hotel facility, the Hostel will pay a compensation amount to the guest as an indemnification for damages. Provided, however, that no compensation will be paid if the inability to provide an accommodation is not attributable to the responsibility of the Hostel.

(Handling of personal effects, etc.)

Article 15

1.     Guests are not allowed to deposit personal belongings at the hostel reception. Guests may use a locker installed by the Hostel to keep valuables.

2.     The Hostel does not accept liability to compensate the loss or damage of articles, cash or valuables, except when the loss or damage was caused by a willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Hostel. However, even in the cases where the Hostel accepts liability to compensate the loss or damage, provided that for articles whose kind and value was not from the inception clearly stated by the affected guest, the compensation amount is limited to a maximum of ¥50,000- except in case of willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Hostel.

(Storage of guests’ baggage and personal effects)

Article 16

1.     The Hostel does not accept any baggage delivery such as suitcases or tickets to the hostel in advance.  For the safety reason, The Hostel does not keep guest's luggage prior to their arrival. Even if guest's luggage were delivered, The Hostel would refuse to receive them. Please bring them with you on that day.  

2.    If baggage or personal effect was left behind in the Hostel after a guest checked out, the Hostel, as soon as its owner is identified, contacts the owner to seek directions. Provided, however, that the owner does not give directions or the owner is not identified, such items are held in storage in the Hostel for a period of seven days after the item is found, and passed that period are taken to the nearest police station.

3.     Liability of the Hostel in regard to the storage of guests’ baggage and personal articles is figured out conforming to Paragraph 2 of the previous Article.

(Liability of guests)

Article 17

1.     Guests who cause damages to the Hostel due to willful misconduct or gross negligence are liable to compensate the Hostel for such damages.

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